This has only been out for purchase for about a month--I did not see this in the theaters, but I had heard a buzz about it that I sort of ignored. Then I found out that art house director Mikael Håfström of Sweden directed the film--I began to think there was something to talk of praise. Håfström directed a hell of a ghost story in
1408. He's steadily gaining a reputation for being able to direct actors in Hollywood that are a bit stereo-typed with style: whether it be Sam Jackson, or, here, Anthony Hopkins. So I'm a lot more optimistic here.
Runtime: 114 min.
Rated PG-13
Color (Panavision Panaflex Millennium XL)
Language: English, Italian, Russian, Welsh, some Hungarian
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 (it's standard these days)
Filmed: Most in Hungary, some location shots in Rome
Tagline: You can only defeat it when you believe
Shipped to theaters with the code name "Denial."
Actor Rutger Hauer speaks the only Hungarian line is the film, that translate to "My Love, My Flower, My Bliss."
The Welsh phrase on Father Lucas' wall, Fi sydd bia fe nawr, translates into English as "he belongs to me now." When the padre gets possessed, this is what utters. We are already informed by Father Xaviar (Ciarín Hinds) that Lucas is Welsh, so too is Tony Hopkins.
The very first trailer for the film featured the soundtrack score for Bran Stoker's Dracula (1992), in which Hopkins starred as van Helsing. The score is by Romanian composer Wojciech Kilar.