Friday, April 26, 2013
Killer Mushrooms On A Budget. Fungicide (2002)
This is silly beyond's deliberately (and not that good of an attempt) campy and has bad acting and terrible CGI. But, for some reason I have a soft spot for it, just for the mushroom "ninja" moves alone. Not to every one's taste, and barely to mine, but apparently I just can't resist the silliness of the sword wielding fungi....
More Plants From Space: The Thing From Another World
The Thing from Another World by crazedigitalmovies
Also another annual Killer Plant rite of passage.
Ninja Plant: Power Ranger's Ninja Storm: Nowhere To Grow (Peanut's Choice)
Man, that plant can really wield a katana!! This one is for The Peanut. The episode is on Amazon Prime.