Friday, May 27, 2016

Christopher Lee's Birthday: House Of Long Shadows (1983)

Combines Christopher Lee, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing AND John Carradine in a "luscious Welsh setting."  Oh, and Desi Arnaz, Jr.!  

Christopher Lee's Birthday: The Skull (1965)

This is my favorite of the Lee/Cushing pairings in a film, certainly in the Amicus production line.  It impressed me as a kid, I remember being so impressed because when I was really little I kid I was shown Dracula from 1958. So several years later, thanks to Ted Turner, when I saw this as the movie matinee one day I was fixated.  They got along so well as to play pool (yeah I know now it's not what us Americans call pool), and and care enough to warn each other of "stuff."  Well I was hooked--but yes also a kid.

Christopher Lee's Birthday: Dracula (1958)

Possibly the most famous photo of Lee from his acting career.

Christopher Lee's Birthday: The Oblong Box (1969) + Vincent Price!

Two horror actors who shared a birthday and occasionally the same screen!