Sunday, November 25, 2018

Horror On TCM: December 2018

*denotes a film with horror elements

Dec. 1 3:45AM Film on Daily Motion

Dec. 2 4AM Trailer*

Dec. 3 6AM Promo*

Dec. 8 2AM Trailer

Dec. 8 3:30AM Trailer

Dec. 10 8PM [part of an evening of Guest Programmer: John Landis starting with this film. IMDb Info.]

Dec. 14 1PM Trailer

Dec 14 3:30PM Trailer

Dec. 14 6:30PM Trailer

Dec. 16 3:30AM Promo*

Dec. 21 6PM Trailer 

Dec. 23 3:45AM TCM Clip* (penned by Rod Serling)

Dec. 23 6AM Clip*

Dec. 23 10PM Trailer*

Dec. 24  10PM Trailer*

Dec. 26 3:45PM Trailer on TCM*

Dec. 27 8AM Trailer

Dec. 27 9:15AM Famous Scene!

And A Reminder:

Starts at 8:45AM Dec. 31

Keyword Horror: Halloween II (1981) [Television Cut]

Keyword: Scalpel....and apparently it a real thing....

[From YouTube]

Keyword Horror: Pet Sematary (1989) & Pet Sematary (2019) Trailer

Keyword: Suicide By Hanging

Check out the teaser trailer for the new Pet Sematary--due out April 5th of next year--below