Having previously seen this, the latest Quentin Tarantino movie, in the theaters when it was dealing with it's own little controversy over the use of the "N-word" and for the made up sport of "mandingo" forgetting that there is a real, blaxsploitation film of the same name dating from 1975," this seems like a logical double feature choice upon return from the theater seeing The Lone Ranger. I am big fan of both Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz as actors and Kerry Washington as an actress, and I am HUGE fan of Sam Jackson; but I would have to admit that I've never been able to warm up to Leonardo DiCaprio....but this is absolutely my favorite performance of his! He's the perfect choice for the overly flamboyant Calvin Candie! And, I am also aware that some might argue that this is not a proper western; but at least part of it is, in my opinion...so it counts for my purposes.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Django Unchained
Having previously seen this, the latest Quentin Tarantino movie, in the theaters when it was dealing with it's own little controversy over the use of the "N-word" and for the made up sport of "mandingo" forgetting that there is a real, blaxsploitation film of the same name dating from 1975," this seems like a logical double feature choice upon return from the theater seeing The Lone Ranger. I am big fan of both Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz as actors and Kerry Washington as an actress, and I am HUGE fan of Sam Jackson; but I would have to admit that I've never been able to warm up to Leonardo DiCaprio....but this is absolutely my favorite performance of his! He's the perfect choice for the overly flamboyant Calvin Candie! And, I am also aware that some might argue that this is not a proper western; but at least part of it is, in my opinion...so it counts for my purposes.
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