This is wholly new to the household--never seen it before. Love Michael Fassbender as an actor of range (English spy in WWII Germany to "robot" in an Alien film); I think this would put any one's acting chops to the ultimate. I'm always interested in the portrayal of Weird Sisters in any production of "the Scottish play," no matter in what time frame it is set during--historical to modern (could do a whole Friday on nothing but the Macbeth witches). Here there is a little twist, an little girl--apprentice of some sort. Also, I was just informed a that the same composer for the Australian horror of extreme menace (scared the shit out of me anyway) The Babadook, Jed Kurzel composed the soundtrack for this!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Macbeth (Michael Fassbender 2015)
This is wholly new to the household--never seen it before. Love Michael Fassbender as an actor of range (English spy in WWII Germany to "robot" in an Alien film); I think this would put any one's acting chops to the ultimate. I'm always interested in the portrayal of Weird Sisters in any production of "the Scottish play," no matter in what time frame it is set during--historical to modern (could do a whole Friday on nothing but the Macbeth witches). Here there is a little twist, an little girl--apprentice of some sort. Also, I was just informed a that the same composer for the Australian horror of extreme menace (scared the shit out of me anyway) The Babadook, Jed Kurzel composed the soundtrack for this!
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