It's easy to identify aspects several actual serial killers in Harris' characters in this, with the obvious being Ed Gein--who, let's face it, has inspired a lot of movies characters over the decades. What is interesting in the Francis Dolorhyde character is that Harris was clearly incorporating aspects of the then unsolved BTK killings--which later proved to only have the key MO of family killing in common with the "Tooth Fairy" murderer; and of course, Harris is a great writer--so no faulting on my part there. It is just so mind-boggling for me though, that even when this--the second film treatment of Harris' book--came out (on this date-Oct. 4) in 2002, Dennis Radar--the actual BTK Killer--had not yet been "caught." That didn't come until 2005! And when they did arrest him, there was not one ounce of sympathy to be spared on his vicious ass....unlike Dolorhyde.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
October 4 Serial Killers: Red Dragon (2002)
It's easy to identify aspects several actual serial killers in Harris' characters in this, with the obvious being Ed Gein--who, let's face it, has inspired a lot of movies characters over the decades. What is interesting in the Francis Dolorhyde character is that Harris was clearly incorporating aspects of the then unsolved BTK killings--which later proved to only have the key MO of family killing in common with the "Tooth Fairy" murderer; and of course, Harris is a great writer--so no faulting on my part there. It is just so mind-boggling for me though, that even when this--the second film treatment of Harris' book--came out (on this date-Oct. 4) in 2002, Dennis Radar--the actual BTK Killer--had not yet been "caught." That didn't come until 2005! And when they did arrest him, there was not one ounce of sympathy to be spared on his vicious ass....unlike Dolorhyde.
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