Friday, August 15, 2014

Weird Sharks #3: Saw Fish AKA Sawshark

This photo from Wikipedia clearly show the shark like body with large saw extending like a big nose....

One of the weirdest and most endangered sharks in Florida waters, they nonetheless have a pretty wide distribution throughout most of FLA's coast line.  They have mouth that is very similar to the Hammerhead's and tend to feed on crusteceans and such.  The large studded saw in actually referred to as a "rostrum" scientifically.  Not to be confused with the Bahamas Sawshark which lives in much deeper water and is sometimes found off the Atlantic or Gold Coast of Florida.  All of these species are critically endangered, and tagging efforts have begun over the last few years.  Unfortunately, some people who caught these strange creatures will sometime cut the saw off, luckily for the animals, they heal quickly, like all sharks, and can survive without the saw, but it cuts their diet in half and leaves them completely defenseless.  The same cannot be said of shark finning, when the animals, sans fins are thrown back into the ocean alive, to drown.  Here is a link to the general Sawfish page on Wikipedia.  Bottom two photos from

Tagging Sawfish (from Wikipedia)

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