Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Theme Recipe: The Vampire Martini

I love martini's!  I used to be a kind of purist when it came to them....but then some bad shit happened in my life and it was time to seriously lighten up!  Since then, I've been martini mad--any kind, any where.  I'm still not that big one any kind of drink that "sloppy" stuff on it.....but to hell with that, it's Halloween!!  Besides I love champagne!

 1 1/2 oz. frozen vodka (your favorite)
 1 1/2 oz very cold vodka
 3/4 oz chambord or other blackberry or raspberry liqueur
 Red Food coloring
 Plastic vampire teeth, strictly optional, but, in my opinion if you going to use them, get the glow in the dark type.

1.  Place red food coloring on saucer, do the same with the sugar in another saucer.  Dip the rim of a martini glass in the red stuff and then into the sugar.

2.  Place the vodka and liqueur in the cocktail shaker with ice and shake well, strain into the glass.  Top with ice cold champagne and serve with the teeth, if liked.  That's it.

Here's another killer Halloween Martini.  I've not tried this vodka, but if I can find it--I'm definitely going to!

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