Friday, September 23, 2011

Pagan Theme

Today is the Autumnal Equinox, which is just a fancy way of saying it's the first day of Fall.  This year Fall is falling on a Friday.  The two equinoxes, along the two solstices, were, and still are, very important dates on the pre-Christian calendar of the various European religions.  Actually, they were, and still are, very important dates in most the world's surviving traditional, or tribal religions.  So it's Pagan Friday; with full and complete relief and appreciation that Fall is finally here, and the countdown to Halloween is just round the corner.

I am still getting over the viral crud that I had last week, which has morphed into a sinus posting may be Spartan. I had a plan to post information about the various neoPagan religions out there; while I don't feel up to typing up much of what I personally know about them, I can at least provide links.  Starting with what in the world the word pagan means in the first place.

Minoan Snake Woman

The photograph of Stonehenge to the right, under the Friday Fright Theme banner is of the rising sun on the morn of the Autumnal Equinox.  See also below

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