Friday, March 2, 2012

Supernatural Class Of Spooks 4: Vampires

When vampires first showed up in the Supernatural world, the Hunters all expressed scepticism--much like they did with angels...and look how that turned out....

It seems like every vampire movie has it's own rules that are duly explained in the course of action (scriptwriters must love making lists...)--turns out television vampires are no different, and Supernatural is no exception.  In the Supernatural world, vamps are severely affected (by probably not killed) by silver, but they tolerate sunlight just fine.  The only known way to kill them is by decapitation; so forget about that heart thing!  Although that colt that boys had possession of for a time seemed to work nicely for effectively dispatch vampires as well!  The one thing that the show really puts front and center is the rule (found, sort of, in Anne Rice writings) that vampires cannot tolerate dead blood; in the show it is called "dead man's blood" and it is just one of the weapons that hunters carry with them most of the time, you know, just in case... Supernatural's vamps also have a full set of retractable fangs on both the upper and lower jaw line.  

The lore about making vampires is about the same as any other movie or television portrayal.  Once bitten, a vampire may infect that person with their own blood, soon their after the infected victim starts to turn--craving human blood more and more as time passes until they cannot stand it and feed on another person--after that point there is no going back.  Throughout the series several vampires with different philosophical bents, from the purely murderous or even nihilistic to the pacifistic ones that refuse to feed on human blood.  In season 6 Dean is bitten and we find out that there is a cure, as long as it's taken before the first feed--it's super nasty, but it's a cure--a potion, that consists of several ingredients, including the blood of the vampire that bit you.

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