Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Science 3: Brian Greene: Fabric Of The Cosmos: Universe Or Multivers?

Talk about weird real science....this really doesn't get much stranger.  The idea that there are multi-verses out there with possibly limitless versions of me and you...creepy.  I actually thought about this one night when I was watching an episode of Ghost Hunters.  Seriously!  They were investigating a place called the Iron Island Museum and you can literally hear the footsteps of someone walking around in the attic, which we find out has never been finished, meaning that it has never had a solid floor on which anyone could walk, yet you can clearly footsteps of someone walking on a hard wood floor with what sounds like boots on.  Now, if it's not faked, which it could have been, then the only explanation for would be something like quantum parallel universe.  Ghost are not known for paranormally finishing a floor where there never has been one.

Quasars, More Weird Real Science

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