Friday, May 18, 2012

Choice 2 For The Peanut: Scooby-Doo And The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster is the most famous cryptid in the world by a long shot!!  Despite that it's existence has been hoaxed several times, most famously by the so-called "surgeon's photo" (see below), it's long history in the area, first reported in a wild tale of "Christianity triumphs" in 565 CE, makes the hoaxes only part of the story.  Most cryptids that have been hoaxed are then summarily dismissed, not so with Nessie.  The prevailing thoughts it the creature(s) represent yet another branch of living dinosaurs--largely reported to be some sort of plesiosaur.  Of course, the Loch Ness Monster is just the most famous lake monster among a host of others.  Here in North America we have two relatively famous ones, one of which, Ogopogo, has some reasonable biological evidence to suggest that there is something unknown living in Lake Okanagan (British Columbia, Canada).  Unlike Nessie, Ogopogo has been speculated to be some type of serpentine whale.  The other monster is Champ, so called because of it's supposed multiple The Abenaki's called it "Tatoskok."

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